Non-profit organisations reach the most vulnerable

18 Nov 2021

While all industries are feeling the impact of Coronavirus, the non-profit sector is facing a unique set of challenges. Blackhawk can help to deliver instant, remote payments to those who need it most.

As the Coronavirus pandemic has forced the population into a period of extended isolation, the impact is being felt across a number of industries. But while there has been a lot of commentary around impacts on health, business and the economy, Coronavirus presents a unique challenge for the non-profit sector – their services are needed now more than ever, and yet social distancing makes their delivery difficult.

Supporting those who need it most

Coronavirus and self-isolation measures have made many of society’s most vulnerable groups even more vulnerable, including:

  • Those in financial need
    Low income families and individuals in financial need including the homeless rely on social services at the best of times. Without access to foodbanks, safe housing and medical care, their risk of falling victim to Coronavirus increases exponentially.
  • Those with unstable home environments
    Research has shown that family violence can become more frequent and severe during periods of emergency. Self-isolation measures as well as increased financial insecurity may add fuel to already unstable home environments.
  • Disadvantaged families preparing for school online
    For families without a regular income, finding money for school supplies such as uniforms and textbooks can be hard enough. The added pressure of Coronavirus and the technology needed to support online learning makes these situations even more challenging.

Adding to the complexity of these new and unique challenges, non-profit organisations need to find new ways to deliver their services remotely.

Deliver instant remote payments with Mobile Pay

Funds for essential items such as groceries, home and school materials are going to be a lifeline for many people during this time of crisis, so getting these funds into people’s hands quickly and remotely is essential. Blackhawk can support non-profit organisations make these disbursements quickly, easily and remotely using Mobile Pay. From one off payments to large scale bulk disbursements, Blackhawk’s Mobile Pay platform is a fast, simple and secure solution.

Fast, simple & secure payments

Using Mobile Pay, a digital Mastercard can be issued direct to recipients via SMS, adding funds straight into their native mobile wallet, which can then be used to purchase items instore and online. The entire process is completely digital, making it fast, trackable and contactless.

Setup is quick and easy, simply provide a data file listing your recipients, select the dollar value and Blackhawk will take care of fulfillment within 24 hours. There is also the option to tailor the experience with a branded card and customised SMS.

Supported by all major mobile wallets, Mobile Pay leverages the phone’s native mobile wallet security which uses built in biometric security such as face recognition, fingerprint or iris scan to ensure the legitimacy of the payment being made.

Talk to Blackhawk today about how we can help you deliver instant digital payments using Mobile Pay.

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