7 Top Tips to Keep Remote Employees Engaged

17 Aug 2021

As we move to a more hybrid or remote way of working permanently, how can you as a manager – or even an entire business – keep your workforce engaged with work? We’ve put together seven top tips that are easy and actionable.

1. Use “chat” programmes to keep informal communications flowing.

More casual than email, chat programmes are a great way to replace the corridor and over-the-desk conversations that typically happen in an open-plan office. You have plenty of options-including Slack, Hangouts, Teams and more – just pick one that everyone can access easily.

2. Hold “virtual” lunch meetings.

When your team celebrates personal or professional milestones, you may want to take them out for lunch to say, ‘well done’. But how can you include remote employees, especially if one of them is the “guest of honour”? Consider hosting a virtual lunch over a video call – just send the work-at-homers an eGift card for a supermarket or meal delivery service (such as Uber Eats) so they can buy a meal that’s delivered straight to their front doors.

3. Set up purposeful extracurricular activities and social connections.

After-work outings provide an opportunity for team building and socialising. If your team can’t go to an escape room together, think of “virtual” experiences that can serve the same purpose. Maybe it’s a book club or a multiplayer gaming competition – it all depends on your employees’ interests. Schedule these optional events outside the nine-to-five, send participants eGift card to cover the costs, and include a video call if appropriate.

4. Hold brief, daily team video meetings.

If you can start each workday with a 15-minute conference call or video meeting, do it. If time zones are a challenge, consider recording a brief video that your team members can watch at the start of their day. Part pep-talk, part check-in, part information-sharing, this meeting makes everyone feel included.

5. Pamper your employees’ pets.

It’s a bit of a cliché these days, but conference calls are notorious for including unexpected background noise. With remote employees who have pets (and most do, as it turns out), you can send them eGift card for pet stores that deliver food, treats and toys. Your employees will love the thoughtful gesture, and hopefully Fido and Fluffy can be quietly entertained during your next online meeting.

6. Consider what it’s like to work when the kids are home.

At some point during every workday, employees with school-aged children will have kids at home asking for a snack, declaring “I’m bored!” or doing any number of disruptive activities. Here’s where you can be the superhero: give the gift of activities so your employee can stay engaged with work. Options are endless – especially with our Select codes that can redeemed for a variety of popular eGift cards (from gaming and streaming services to age-appropriate books and projects).

7. Hold virtual open office hours with no agenda.

Whoa! A meeting without an agenda? Yes, just an open line of communication with you, the leader, and anyone else on your team who wants to join the call. Your remote employees can’t pop by your office for a quick chat, so this is a time that they know they can catch you. It’s merely an open forum for questions to be asked, ideas to be shared and, if needed, fears quelled.

If you manage remote workers, the good news about remote employees is that they are often more productive, not less. A recent Forbes article points to research that reveals:

  • 77% of employees are more productive when they work remotely
  • They also tend to return to work sooner after an illness
  • 30% say they accomplish more in less time when they work remotely

So, take heart if you think your remote employees are distracted simply because they’re not in an office where you can see them on a daily basis. Keep them engaged with the tips we’ve included here, and they can continue to be great team players and top-notch performers.

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